Reset, the Podcast: Sue Unerman, Best-Selling Author and Chief Transformation Officer, MediaCom

Sue Unerman’s career in Media is a hugely impressive one but in this Reset the Podcast, Sue talks more about her writing than her life at the media coal face. And there’s good reason for that. Sue’s three books act as a roadmap that describes her own journey. In discussing with Suki Thompson, Founder Let’s Reset, her first book, ’Tell The Truth’, she tells us why she enjoys shooting down sacred cows. She explains in her second book, ‘Glass Wall’, why she implores women to show off more. And, in her final book, ‘Belonging’, she talks very passionately about why she believes that everyone should promise never to be a bystander. Three books with three fascinating themes, all told through the eyes of the woman who wrote them.

Reset The podcast is in partnership with Advertising Week and is sponsored by Lyre’s Spirit Company To get a Lyre’s Non Alcoholic spirits discount join Let’s Reset For more information about Let’s Reset go to

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