What About The Music: Bernice Chao

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Award winning creative, speaker, author, and host Bernice Chao joins Beto Azout to discuss the importance of music in advertising and current trends. In this week’s episode of ‘What About The Music,’ the Head of Integrated Creative at Zambezi shares the prominence of music in her career and the impact it made on an influencer campaign for Nissan.

Episode Highlights:

  • 03:10 – Bernice dives into her first role with TBWA\Chiat Day and how her position touched music
  • 08:00 – Beto & Bernice explore the concept of budget and how it comes into play when finding the perfect track for a spot
  • 09:20 – Bernice talks Beto through her role at Zambezi and the significance of music in some of her exciting new projects
  • 12:30 – Bernice discusses the key role that music played in a Nissan influencer campaign

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More on SoStereo:

SoStereo makes it fast and easy for brands/agencies to use real music by real artists on their video content. Our goal is to help brands unlock the marketing power of music; to elevate content & better connect with consumers. Find out more at sostereo.com

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