本年5月、Advertising Week Asia初のハイブリッドイベントとして、東京ミッドタウンにて再び皆様にお会いできますことを喜ばしく思います。
昨今の規制緩和に伴い、感染者数は増加傾向にありますが、予定通りのイベント開催を実現できることと予測しています。コロナウイルス対策訓練済みのスタッフが会場の安全を確認し、昨年のニューヨークイベントおよび今年5月のロンドンイベント同様、感染症対策行動指針に則り進めていきます。当日に備え、advertisingweek.com/asia から最新の規定及びガイドラインをご覧ください。
Advertising Week Asia: 新型コロナウイルス感染症行動指針
- 咳が続く
- 高熱、悪寒
- 味覚・嗅覚の低下や変化
- 息苦しさ
- 体のだるさや疲労感
- 運動によるものでない筋肉痛
- 食欲不振
- 普段と異なる頭痛や長引く頭痛
- のどの痛み、鼻づまり、鼻水
- 下痢、吐き気、体調不良
新型コロナウイルスの症状が見られる、または陽性結果が出た場合はご来場をお控えください。感染症の症状や、陽性結果により不参加の場合は、オンサイト費用の返金に関してAdvertising Weekに直接お問い合わせください。
良きAdvertising Week Asia 2022となりますよう、皆様のご参加をお待ちしております。
Covid Contingency Plans for AWAsia 2022
We’re looking forward to returning to Tokyo Midtown in Tokyo this May to host our first hybrid edition of Advertising Week Asia.
Delegates will be able to experience the entire thought leadership program and numerous special events and activations in person throughout the week. Those joining virtually can watch the thought leadership program live as it happens. All delegates — digital or in-person — will be able to access all content from the week on demand up to 30 days after the event from their own home or office.
Despite the recent rise in Covid cases following the lifting of all remaining legislation, we are confident in delivering the event as planned. We have fully trained covid compliance officers on our team who will ensure that we monitor the situation constantly and — as we did in New York in October 2021 and London in May 2022 — adhere to all health guidelines in place at the time of the event. Please check advertisingweek.com/asia for up-to-date protocol and guidance in the lead-up to the event.
All guests and speakers must pass a temperature check on entry and register at 37.7* or less. All guests are expected to be fully vaccinated and must wear masks at all times upon entry, except in places where food and beverage are served. All speakers may remove masks while presenting onstage but must remain masked elsewhere.
Advertising Week Asia: Code of Behavior for Attendees
All delegates, speakers and staff are asked to consider the following before attending:
Undertake your own health risk assessment, considering if you wish to travel to and attend such an event (considering your age and any health conditions or vulnerabilities).
Follow any relevant guidance on travel, such as the safer travel guidance.
Check with the transport operator before traveling to and from an event or venue, as some transport operators may have their own requirements, such as wearing face coverings.
If transport services are likely to be crowded, we suggest wearing face coverings in crowded and enclosed spaces.
If you are traveling from outside of Japan, please follow all guidelines and requirements for international travel in place, such as testing and quarantine measures.
Please check for symptoms of COVID-19 before traveling to the event. Symptoms of COVID-19, as well as flu and common respiratory infections, now include:
- continuous cough
- high temperature, fever or chills
- loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell
- shortness of breath
- unexplained tiredness, lack of energy
- muscle aches or pains that are not due to exercise
- not wanting to eat or not feeling hungry
- headache that is unusual or longer-lasting than usual
- sore throat, stuffy or runny nose
- diarrhea, feeling sick or being sick
Do not attend the event if you have symptoms of COVID-19 or test positive for COVID-19. If you cannot attend in person due to either having symptoms or testing positive, please contact Advertising Week directly to arrange a refund on the in-person portion of the pass.
Please ensure you adhere to any relevant COVID-19 safety measures in place at the event, including observing directions given by stewards.
We look forward to welcoming you for a successful Advertising Week Asia 2022.