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Episode 8: Retail Insights & Trends

Episode 8 of The Download is here and retail is back. In this episode of The Download, we look at:

  • Retail insights and trends in the post-pandemic world.
  • A discussion with author Jonah Berger on how changed behaviors in shopping and working could lead to a broader resistance to change.
  • A rundown of Cannes Lions 2021, where Microsoft was named “Creative Marketer of the Year.”
  • A discussion between Nora Xu and George Nguyen, Editor of Search Engine Land on the Asian-American experience.
The Download, Episode 8: Retail Insights and Trends
man and woman standing next to a car

Episode 7: Travel Insights and Trends

In this episode we look at travel trends and insights as indicated from our 2021 Consumer Trends Report, a product pop-up about what search solutions to use for marketing travel with our evangelist John Lee, and an interview with global travel expert Alvaro Rojas who has visited every country on Earth!


Episode 6: 2021 Consumer Trends Report

Opportunity is here, the road to economic recovery is happening all around us. In this episode 6 of The Download, 2021 Consumer Trends Report, we look at: Microsoft Advertising Insights on our 2021 Consumer Trends Report, the Inclusive Marketing Lab with MJ DePalma keeps things moving forward, another fun filled fact product popup focusing on more interesting facts on Microsoft Bing, and Search Evangelist John Lee dives deep into seasonal segments.

two women taking in front of a big calendar
indoor market place with food options

Episode 5: 2021 Business Not As Usual

Digital acceleration was on everyone’s mind in 2020, and as we continue to adjust to new norms, consumers’ behaviors have shifted. Income inequality, health and safety, privacy, and sustainability are just a few of the subjects where trend dichotomies have started to form. All of these culminate to create consumers’ healthy hesitation. Consumers want to ensure that as the year progresses, they’re protecting themselves, their families, their health, and their finances, while maintaining connection and equality.


Episode 4: 2020 Hindsights

What if you could go back in time? Would you do things differently knowing what you know now?

We don’t have to let you know that this year was unprecedented. Because according to, “unprecedented” is one of the most hated words of the year.

The question now will be what can we learn from this past year? Is it something we’ll throw on the scrap heap of history as a past we wish to forget or use it as a future prologue predictor? Watch Episode 4 of The Download to find out.

with change comes opportunity

Episode 3: Change is the Only Constant in Marketing

We’re back with episode 3 of The Download from Microsoft Advertising. Change is the only constant in marketing and just when marketers thought they understood third-party cookies, those are about to crumble. So what will a post-cookie world look like? We have our vision.


Episode 2: COVID Speeds Up Reimagining the Future of Retail

On Episode 2 we key in on the theme of Retail. Retail has been an interesting area in 2020, as it was undergoing transformation the past several years and then Covid-19 sped up a lot of that change, where we use acronyms like BOPIS (Buy Online Pick-Up Instore) to describe emerging customer behavior patterns.

woman walking down street in a mask and red dress
masks required sign and woman in mask

Episode 1: The Download

In 2020 we have witnessed more change this year than in possibly the past 40 years. And with rapid change comes new ways to understand how to navigate, re-think and re-invent. Design is a vehicle to communicate what a brand is about. At Microsoft Advertising, we know you may not have all of the time to dedicate to learning about our products, culture, insights and brand as you might with competing products and services. We know you want information where we tell you what you want, when you want it. So we think it’s easiest to take the large amount of information we have and create a digestible format for you to stay up on our brand, thought leadership, product and business culture.

Introducing The Download. Enjoy the viewing.
