The recent uproar surrounding Jaguar’s brand refresh has been astonishing. What began as a teaser of a new brand identity quickly spiralled into a feeding frenzy of criticism.
Hyper-personalisation should exist to enhance the user experience, but brands need to be wary of how close they are to crossing the line.
The future of customer loyalty is about creating meaningful, personalised connections that anticipate and fulfil customer needs in real-time.
A decade of “roaring 20s” celebration is possible, but it’s not here yet. If the needs of the smallest firms are not perfectly aligned with the needs of the largest—their recovery won’t be, either.
The German market has a reputation for being a little slower to develop than other parts of the world, with a longer adoption cycle for new products/features, hesitancy to work with international players not based in Germany, and sensitivity around data privacy.
The TV landscape is in a state of transformation, as is the advertising that powers it. Applying our industry’s standard “shiny new object” lens to what’s happening in TV right now does the reality of the opportunity a disservice. Here’s why.
Working as part of an agency roster is tough at times, but it can equally be exciting. At Dog, we’ve had over 20 years of practicing how to navigate and get the best out of cross-agency partnerships and learned a lot along the way.
Investing in stocks, I recently found out, is hard. The silver lining to my failed day trading career is that I realized there are some striking overlaps between investing and brand strategy.
It’s not often a news story unites so many diverse figures and groups across society. But from Boris Johnson, Jeremy Corbyn and Prince William to football pundits, ex-players, current managers and rival football fans across the land, the world spoke up together this week against the newly proposed European Super League. And the answer was categorically, no.