The recent uproar surrounding Jaguar’s brand refresh has been astonishing. What began as a teaser of a new brand identity quickly spiralled into a feeding frenzy of criticism.
Hyper-personalisation should exist to enhance the user experience, but brands need to be wary of how close they are to crossing the line.
The future of customer loyalty is about creating meaningful, personalised connections that anticipate and fulfil customer needs in real-time.
As stringent rules become the new normal, brand marketers should aspire to replicate the framework that regulated industries have perfected.
In a period of such comprehensive change, it can be difficult to assess the impact of a single trend. However, one overarching shift can help to explain many of the other changes taking place in retail and commerce: the convergence of media and retail.
Ultimately, consistency and authenticity are what will set brands apart. All experiences should reflect the brand’s values and aesthetics. And interactions should feel the same regardless of the device a customer is using.
By Todd Hedberg, The Lacek Group Every parent knows a contest or game can transform…
Although regulations for influencer marketing are still being defined, the industry would welcome more robust guidelines and is taking steps toward implementing this for the benefit of brands, audiences, and content creators.
The anxiety and fear are normal. But through the fog of uncertainty, there are many reasons to maintain calm and stay the course.