There was a time when the Lakme theme was synonymous with British Airways.
Adelphoi Music Podcast
In this episode Jamie goes back to the tumultuous early days of the airline, and its transformation under Lord King from a loss-making state-owned drudge to a Thatcherite poster child.
In the latest edition of the Adelphoi podcast, Jamie is joined by Adelphoi colleague Mike, to discuss interactive audio ads.
A sonic logo plays different roles over its lifetime, as it becomes more familiar through repeated exposures. At the start, it has more to do with positioning; at the end, it ‘says’ very little, but reinforces our sense of the brand’s permanent place in our world.
In this episode of his mini-series on sonic logos, Jamie wonders why brands seem to prefer sonic logos to longer brand tracks. What special magic there is in 3-second snippets of sound? And why do they seem to be getting even shorter?
In this episode Jamie focuses on TV ads, and wonders why sonic logos are usually held back till the final few seconds. The answer goes to the heart of what we think sonics are for – but maybe the idea itself needs to be shaken up a bit.
The start of a mini-series on sonic logos, what they are and how they work. In the first episode Jamie focuses on cinema and TV idents, which depend for their effect on making associations with a pleasurable experience.
In this new episode of The Adelphoi Music Podcast Series we share some of the fruits of our research, as we take a critical look at one of the classic sonic logos, the Intel ‘bongs’.
Mastercard made a big splash last year, but has it really lived up to expectations. Well, not yet, says Jamie, who is little impressed by their music strategy, and somewhat taken aback by their payment noise.