50+ Consumers: A Must-Win Audience for Pet Marketers

By Laurie Levitt, Marketing Director, AARP Media Advertising Network

Today, there are more 50+ pet owners who are showing up in the market for products (food, toys, etc.) and services (veterinary services, grooming, boarding, pet walking, etc.) than ever before. Since before the pandemic, 50+ ownership of dogs and cats has increased by 6.1 million – that’s four times more pets than adults ages 18-49, according to MRI-Simmons Winter 2024; Fall 2019 study. Additionally, adults aged 50+ have a median household net worth of $446K, significantly higher than the $198K for those aged 18-49, making them a prime business-building audience.

If you are a marketer of pet products and services, building and strengthening relationships with these vital 50+ consumers should be top priorities.

Here are three concepts to keep in mind.

Recognize that while pets are always part of the family, they hold a special place in 50+ households. Adults 50+ are more likely to be empty nesters compared to younger adults, and one in two of those empty nesters own a dog or cat (MRI-Simmons Winter 2024). For these households, a pet can help establish a routine that adds a deeper purpose, and helps create structure and meaning, whether the pet owner is retired or simply seeking to enjoy a richer life outside of work. For marketers, it’s important to remember that while many adults 50+ have likely owned a pet before, the pet they have now can represent a new chapter in their pet ownership. As a result, they may be more willing to spend or try new brands if it benefits their pet. According to a recent Omnibus Survey,  two-thirds or more of adult 50+ pet owners indicate a likelihood to consider a new brand of dog or cat food. That’s why recognizing the role that pets play in the lives of consumers 50+, and demonstrating that understanding through advertising, is an important way to build the foundation of trust that’s needed to drive brand consideration and develop a strong, long-term relationship.

Demonstrate the quality and value that 50+ pet owners are looking for. The 50+ audience is a financial powerhouse. They are more than willing to spend on products and services that are important to them – and that’s certainly the case when it comes to providing for their best friends – their pets! For example, consumers 50+ now buy 1.6 billion more pounds of dry pet food annually than before the pandemic.(MRI-Simmons Winter 2024; Fall 2019). They also purchase other pet supplies like bedding and toys, kitty litter, pet insurance, grooming, boarding and dog walking services, veterinary care, and so much more – all to ensure their pets are happy, healthy, and comfortable. For marketers, highlighting product quality and offering a special promotion or loyalty program not only makes pet owners 50+ feel good about their purchase, but also validates their decision and encourages repeat business.

Engage 50+ pet owners at every stage of the purchase funnel. Consumers 50+ rely on a range of media, including print, digital, and television, and they typically turn to multiple media formats. Above all, they value trusted, relevant content that meets their needs and provides them with the information they require to make sound purchase decisions. Consumers 50+ are quite comfortable shopping at specialty pet stores and other retail outlets. Increasingly, they are also making purchases online: 64 million pet owners age 50+ bought pet supplies online over the past 12 months – an increase of 36 million since before the pandemic – according to MRI-Simmons Winter 2024 vs. Fall 2019. Marketers can maximize reach and guide consumers through all stages of the purchase funnel by developing cross-media marketing plans, no matter where they are in their journey.

The bottom line

Adults 50+ want to live life to the fullest, and having a pet is an important part of the 50+ lifestyle. Pet owners over 50 spend significant time and money to ensure their pets are happy and well cared for, so that their pets can live their best life, too. To strengthen relationships with this key demographic, marketers must show they understand the role of pets in 50+ households, highlight their brand’s benefits for both pets and owners, and engage consumers 50+ through trusted media channels. With pet ownership reaching new highs, now’s the time for marketers to give some extra attention to a pet’s best friend: the 50+ consumer. Or, in the words of Hello Kitty – who, by the way, turns 50 this November – “Dream big!”