Enterprises vs. SMBs: Important Distinctions in the B2B Buyer’s Journey

Ultimately, having access to high-quality buyer data will make or break success in today’s B2B marketing landscape. Data-driven segmentation is key. If your organization is marketing to enterprises in the same way that it markets to SMBs, there’s a good chance you’re missing the mark on both sides.

Thriving in a 24/7 Connected World: The Balance Between Work and Family Life

We may live in an always-connected world, but that doesn’t mean employees should always be reachable. By following the above best practices, business leaders and managers can keep their team members operating at their highest levels, and their businesses will get a considerable boost in return.

Having a Social Presence vs. Being Present on Social

If your brand chooses dialogue over monologue, engages authentically with its communities, remains ready to respond to its audience, and stays consistent with its own core truth, then you will have more than just a perfunctory social media presence. Instead, your brand will be part of the community and truly present.

Turning Data Deluge into Decisive Insights for Marketers

By rethinking data strategies and considering integrated solutions, marketers can turn their current data overload into an insight and action-oriented machine and stop wondering when the payoff will happen, because it will already have happened.

AW Throwback: Johnny Horizon

Another mascot was active during the same timeline as Smokey and Woodsy and his name was Johnny Horizon. In looking back on the short-lived legacy of Johnny Horizon, PopIcon discovered that one Idaho county is still determined to uphold the outdoorsman’s legacy today.

Playing the Political Game Doesn’t Need to Be a Trap for Brands

By leveraging their position and visibility, brands can be prominent in helping drive healthy conversations, share useful information, and promote trustworthy news sources. They can help arm young voters with the insight they need to make the most of this cultural moment, proving their relevance to this audience, and forging connections that last through the election and beyond.

Why AI Is Becoming More Human

Brands need to maintain a level of human oversight to manage complex or sensitive interactions that the AI may not be equipped to handle. AI, like humans, makes mistakes. It’s a fast learner, though. With the right oversight, AI can build both emotional and intellectual trust that generates brand loyalty.

The Agency of the Present

The message to the industry is clear: the evolving consumer landscape is calling for a new type of agency, one that represents the diverse mainstream, and balances inclusivity with specificity.