Where to Start: A Health and Wellness Ecosystem for Your Brand

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By Becky Johnson, Advertising Week Contributor

There isn’t a brand in existence that doesn’t need to implement health and wellness into its identity from the inside out, starting with its own employees and internal culture and sharing that self-love out to its customers. Start that journey here with the Healthline Media Hub. If you’re new to the Hub, you have options on where to begin.


Healthline Media wants to meet you where you need to be with VOD.

Kick off with watching Sum of the Parts: How Micro Changes Lead to Macro Wellness Effects. Gabe Howard, Podcast Host & Chronic Condition Advocate at Inside Mental Health Podcast lends us his humor as he moderates a panel with Dr. Jenny Yu, MD FACS, Head of Medical Affairs at Healthline Media, Karina Kogan, CMO of Ōura, and Mark Mullet, Co-Founder & Co-CEO of obé. Dr. Jenny, Karina and Mark talk about meeting the customer where they are, listening when they say they want more from a service or product, and being careful to “cut the data” more than one way, as Mark put it.

Next, try The Beauty of Intersectionality and A Recipe for Tomorrow videos. Don’t miss Tyler Rochwerg, Senior Brand Manager at Neutrogena’s quote in The Beauty of Intersectionality, “The office is a dangerous place from which to view the business.” You’ll find even more in the Hub.


After watching the VOD A Recipe for Tomorrow, read the in-depth companion article piece, How Cultural Understanding Brings More People to the Table, in Nutrition and Overall Well-Being.

There are also informative articles shared in the Hub that Healthline Media has published elsewhere, like this piece on Forbes called Why Brands Should Do A Whole-Person Approach to Marketing – And How to Do So Effectively.


Healthline Media shares many reports and insights for free.

Take advantage of Healthline Media’s curated audience data and insights and download the reports, Small Steps for Maximum Impact in Health & Wellness and Rebuilding Consumer Trust in Skincare, which are both explored in Healthline Media’s VOD panels from Advertising Week.

The Healthline Media Content Hub on advertisingweek.com is purposefully built to be informationally holistic. Each piece written, every video chosen and all of the guests invited show Healthline Media’s mindful intent towards a clean, organized, congruent hub that represents both our focus on real human needs and our ability to bridge our partner resources to people in need.